Anyone who has worked in an office knows how essential email is in day-to-day communication. Whether it is being utilized in internal communication or used as a marketing tool, reliable email services are a necessity when it comes to conducting business. A lapse in service has the potential to cause major miscommunication in the office, […]
The Importance of IT Solutions in the Finance Industry
When it comes to handling money, security protocols are of the utmost importance. In our changing digital society, there has never been a bigger need for IT solutions targeted at protecting online financial institutions and transactions. Hackers looking to commit cyber theft are adept at finding entry points into banking systems and security systems are […]
3 Ways Blockchain is Changing the Online World
Blockchain is perhaps one of the most important recent developments in the online world. The technology allows for a decentralized system of record-keeping by grouping data into clusters and linking them with cryptographic principles. Because there is no central authority to govern blockchain, it is the picture of a fully transparent and democratized system. Initially […]
IIoT: What is the Industrial Internet of Things?
The industrial internet of things (IIoT), also known as the Industrial Internet, is the internet where machines, people, and computers go to communicate with each other. While this is a simple explanation for a vast and complicated system, it’s a good place to start when first learning about IIoT. There are numerous applications within this […]