Can you imagine a life without apps? We can’t either. This is pretty hard to believe because just 11 short years ago Apple’s App Store opened for business for the first time. Just to prove its extreme impact on society, ten million app downloads occurred in the first week of the App Store. Whether you […]
Digital Technology Trends Coming in 2020
Technology, especially digital, is an ever-changing and evolving category. With every year that goes by, it seems that people rely on digital platforms to get through daily life more and more. It is hard to imagine digital technology expanding and advancing any more than it already has, but we have news for you! It is, […]
End of the Year Checklist for Technology
Small businesses are sometimes required to take more precautions than large corporations when it comes to the security and safety of technology, data, and devices. This is because there is not an IT department working in the back of the office watching every move made on the company’s devices and software. Therefore, we have come […]
Dealing With Digital Disruption
Digital disruption is the introduction of new technologies and/or digital platforms that affect a current business model or way of working. This is a very broad category, as it can essentially be anything that interrupts your way of doing business. In the realm of IT, digital disruption is essentially inevitable. There is no avoiding it […]