Your network should keep up with today’s fast pace, not slow you down due to obsolete technology. No matter what industry your organization operates in, Integracon has experience designing and building custom networks that increase productivity and streamline day-to-day procedures. No matter the size of your business, we can help update current networks or create […]
10 Smart Government IT Trends

In a recent symposium on smart government, Gartner Research analysts suggested that social, mobile, cloud and information are converging and driving innovation that will help establish and develop smart governments. Gartner offers 10 related IT trends that will play a key role in the coming years (see Gartner Newsroom). What is smart government? It might […]
The Future of Big Data in Healthcare

Big data in healthcare offers great potential for improving care, but healthcare agencies face challenges of improving infrastructure, analytics capabilities, and data security, according to “The Big Data Cure” report by MeriTalk.[1] MeriTalk surveyed 150 IT-related executives in Federal Agencies that focus on healthcare and healthcare research. The majority of respondents suggested that less than […]
Big Data is Changing Our Lives

To say that “big data is changing our lives” seems obvious enough, but sometimes relating big data to our day to day existence may not always seem so obvious. Rick Smolan makes brings these changes to life through his photography, book and talks about “The Human Face of Big Data.” While researching for the book, […]
Making Big Data Pay

Successful business leaders are learning ways to leverage big data within the organization. According to an independent study by the the Economist Intelligence Unit, the business landscape is dramatically changing based on the massive level of data being collected each daily. While effective use of big data can be daunting, some businesses have effectively utilized […]
How Will Technology Change Your Business? Part 2

Rapidly emerging technologies are driving economic growth and reshaping the marketplace at the same time. Businesses that learn to capitalize on these innovations will thrive in the days ahead. McKinsey & Company recently updated their list of formidable technologies that are creating the future even now. [1] Today I’m covering the second half of a […]
How Will Technology Change Your Business? Part 1

Technology impacts processes, people, and even the products we make and sell. One simple definition of technology from Merriam Webster is “the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.”[1] Applying new ideas and new tools in the line of business can fundamentally change the business. By looking ahead to some of the shifts in available […]
The Ethical Challenges of Big Data

Gartner recently listed “Strategic Big Data” as one of the key trends that will influence the shape of businesses in the years to come. Big Data is short for the supercomputing possibilities associated with utilizing massive data sets to help us visualize relationships, influence and behavioral propensities. Data scientists are emerging who learn who to make set predictive […]
Big Data Weather Predictions

With all the recent talk about data and privacy intrusion, I thought it might be worthwhile to consider areas that are not related to personal information but where big data can yield big results. CIO recently ran an in-depth study on weather predictability models that utilize big data processing.[1] The ability to collect and analyze […]
5 Digital Technologies Shaping IT Priorities

Technology remains an underutilized key in realizing business goals, but with the growing embrace of digital technologies that could be changing. According to a recent Gartner survey of over 2000 CIOs, digital technologies are reaching a “tipping point” among business executives.[1] While Gartner reports that businesses realize on average about 43 percent of technology’s business […]