Mobile security forms a key component of a business’s overall security strategy. The use of mobile devices impacts all size businesses from small to large, highlighting the need for a robust mobile security solution. Earlier this year, Gartner Research released a report listing five levels of mobile security that can help business conduct a assessment. […]
Mobile Devices from Strategy to Rollout

Implementing a mobile device management plan may seem overwhelming for some organizations. By breaking it down into smaller steps and considering key milestones within each step, the rollout can be more manageable. Once your organization mobile device implementation strategy (for tips see last post), you can begin engaging other members of the organization in a […]
Implementing a Mobile Device Policy

BYOD is fast becoming standard procedure for a range of public places like schools, businesses and even financial institutions. Medical facilities often struggle with implementing a mobile device policy. Some institutions have begun moving toward a policy, but then abandon the project in mid-stream because of the complexities, institutional politics, or other roadblocks. This doesn’t […]
Steps toward BYOD Defense

As Hospitals and Medical Facilities extend wireless access, it is essential to develop a robust BYOD defense plan. The public nature of hospitals and the large traffic of visitors, professionals and staff increases the risk of exposing data, violating patient privacy, and malicious attacks. The recent attacks at Target and Neiman Marcus expose the sophisticated […]
9 Out of 10 Mobile Apps are Vulnerable

According to a recent HP Research Report, nine out of 10 mobile apps have vulnerabilities that could pose a security threat. HP Security Research tested a representative sampling of mobile applications that included reviewing the security of 2,107 applications by 601 companies listed in the Fortune Global 2000.[1] About 97 percent of the mobile apps […]
The Four Phases of BYOD

Mobility is driving change in your organization whether you recognize it or not. In a recent press release, Gartner Research indicates that the utilization of mobiles devices will transform information security as we know it. [1] Some organizations are still attempting to ignore the BYOD issue, but it’s not going away. According to Gartner, the […]
Using Mobile Devices in SMBs

Even as businesses are still trying to figure out the BYOD challenge, employees are already using mobile devices in the workplace. The rapid rise of smartphones and tablets in the consumer market results in many employees and business owners using the same devices for the workplace. For many business, vital data as well as the […]
Beware of Zombie Phones

Zombie phones could be bleeding your bottom line. What is a zombie phone? A mobile device that you thought was turned off or turned over to the employee, but your company is still being billed. This is more common than you might think. After auditing the phone usage and phone billing for several companies, Pankaj Gupta, […]
BYOD and Containerization

Some organizations are turning to containerization as way of managing personal wireless devices that interact with company networks. When the University Hospitals Health System in Shaker Heights, Ohio introduced BYOD, they needed a robust MDM solution. Ryan Terry, division CIO and chief security officer, saw problems with many traditional MDM options because he felt that […]
Plugging BYOD Security Holes

Sophos released a disturbing report that indicates 42% of lost mobile devices in the UK had no security measures in place.[1] Surveying of 1008 consumers in Great Britian, Sophos asked about security measures by mobile device users aged between 16 and 64. According to James Lyne, director of technology strategy at Sophos, “The widespread lack […]