Over the last several years, the benefits of virtualization have continued to extend into every layer of the business. Now more and more companies are talking about an integrated services platform that will position businesses to expand and adapt to new technologies, to changing demands, and to operational adjustments. Complete infrastructure virtualization will become a […]
Four Key Benefits of Server Virtualization

Over the past several years, many small to medium sized businesses have been struggling to meet more challenge with fewer resources. As SMBs adapt to the “new normal,” large-scale investments like server virtualization seem to be difficult to justify. Sometimes the technology leaders in the business have a difficult time communicating the extensive value of […]
Four Trends that Continue to Shape SMBs
The economic challenges of the last several years caused many SMBs to move cautiously with technology investments. At the same time, small business owners are trying to find ways to compete more effectively, cut costs, and adapt to the changing markets. Technology offers potential ways for SMBs to achieve business goals. With tighter budgets and […]
Healthcare CIOs Focused on EHR and Infrastructure

One of the primary technology challenges for healthcare facilities is EHR implementation. According to a study by Level 3 Communications, CIOs are focused on meeting the impending federal deadlines.[1] Over half of those surveyed believe that EHR implementation and Meaningful Compliance will improve overall patient care. In addition to meeting EHR deadlines, healthcare facilities are […]
Developing a BYOD Infrastructure

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) will continue to grow and be a major challenge/opportunity for businesses in the years to come. The advantages of BYOD are numerous including the following: Reduced costs and responsibility for securing and maintaining smartphones and service plans. Simplified telecomputing for traveling or working from home. Employees can access and respond […]
Green Data in a Culture of Consumption

In spite of the image of environmental friendliness among hi-tech companies, it turns out that many of these companies are high level energy wasters. The New York Times has conducted extensive research into the information industry, and the results are dismal at best. James Glanz at NYT writes, “Most data centers, by design, consume vast […]
Desktop Virtualization and EMR

Virtualization offers one way you can help reduce the stress of EMR implementation by speeding adoption while simplifying the demand on clinicians. When you implement desktop virtualization, staff and clinicians can use a thin client for accessing a “virtual” PC that runs on a server in a data center. Easy Access Desktop virtualization simplifies access […]