Reducing Risks with Mobile Devices in Healthcare

From malware to information theft to interruption services, there are a range of serious threats facing the ever-increasing wireless communication in the healthcare environment. While there are serious risks associated with mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, Medical Devices (MDs), and more) in healthcare, there are also incredible benefits. It’s not really an option to lock-down wireless […]

“Managed Diversity” and the Challenge of Supporting Mobility

Information technology advisory firm Gartner challenges IT groups to put priority focus on developing and supporting a mobile device management (MDM) policy. “The era of fully supporting company-owned devices is giving way to an era of managed diversity in which tiered support for employee-owned, consumer-class devices is the norm,” said Terrence Cosgrove, research director at […]

Desktop Virtualization and EMR

Virtualization offers one way you can help reduce the stress of EMR implementation by speeding adoption while simplifying the demand on clinicians. When you implement desktop virtualization, staff and clinicians can use a thin client for accessing a “virtual” PC that runs on a server in a data center. Easy Access Desktop virtualization simplifies access […]

Ransomware: What You Need to Know (Part 1)

What is Ransomware? Ransomware is malware that enables cyber extortion for financial gain. Criminals can hide links to ransomware in seemingly normal emails or web pages. Once ransomware infects a user’s system, it either encrypts critical files or locks a user out of their computer. It then displays a ransom message that demands virtual currency […]

Ransomware: What You Need to Know (Part 3)

Best Practices to Combat Ransomware Take a layered approach to security A firewall and Antivirus combination are not enough to secure an environment against ransomware. Layers of protection are an important and in-depth part of your defense. Manage network traffic Proper management of network traffic leads to better control of what traffic is on the […]