As much as we like to think it doesn’t happen, online hacks and information thefts are an everyday occurrence and can be devastating to a business with sensitive or valuable information. In order to create a secure Wi-Fi network for your business, follow these 3 steps.
1. Choose an inconspicuous network name (SSID).
First things first, it’s important to use an inconspicuous network name when setting up your Wi-Fi network. The service set identifier (SSID) is one of the most basic and routine parts of setting up a Wi-Fi network; however, it can certainly affect the difficulty level of hacking your network. Avoid common SSID names like “wireless” or your company’s name or address. A potential hacker passing by your building may have several Wi-Fi networks pop up and will choose the one most easily identifiable.
Because the encryption algorithm includes the network name, using common names can make it easier for someone to decode the personal mode of WPA or WPA2 security, as password hacking dictionaries are often preloaded with common SSID names. In fewer words, having a less obvious network name makes it another step harder for someone to hack.
2. Create a secure password.
To create a secure Wi-Fi network password, always remember to choose something that cannot be easily guessed. Believe it or not, people still try using passwords like “123456” and “password.” Be sure to update your password regularly, and do not store your password somewhere that is easily accessible.
3. Consider the physical security.
The physical security of your wireless network is a vulnerability that can be easily forgotten. Making sure your wireless access points (APs) are physically secure can prevent a hacker from accessing your network through a network reset. Most APs have a reset button that removes the password security of your network and allows anyone within the network perimeters to freely access your network. No matter how advanced your encryption may be, it can disappear with the touch of a button.
It is recommended that all APs are mounted out of reach from passers-by. Some AP vendors even offer specific locking features to further strengthen the physical security of your various APs.
If you are looking to secure your network beyond the basics, try using Enterprise WPA2 with 802.1X authentication, and if your business has clients, try securing the 802.1X client settings as well.
Secure your network with Integracon
We are here to help. Give us a call and we can help devise a plan to better secure your current network so you and your employees can connect to your Wi-Fi with peace of mind.