It is evident that technology changes the way our world works each and every day. However, technology plays such a powerful role in the medical industry, and unless you work in this industry, it may be hard to notice these technological advancements. In the world’s current circumstances, medical and IT professionals, of a wide array of disciplines, are turning to technology for the next best answer. COVID-19 has taken our world by storm, and it has also taken everyone by surprise. We never dreamed quarantining and self-isolation would be our new normal. Citizens and workers outside the medical industry are doing their part by staying home and rolling with the punches, but professionals in the medical industry are avidly researching, testing, experimenting, and building all things “tech” to try and combat this powerful and unexpected virus that is spreading at high speeds right before our eyes.
Ventilators, in general, are supreme technological advancements within hospitals. They save people’s lives on a daily basis by providing oxygen flow for patients when they are unable to breathe on their own, due to an illness. COVID-19 spreading across the world has significantly increased the demand for ventilators, and you may have seen in recent news that there is a shortage. Dyson is a well-known household appliance company. In only 10 days, James Dyson designed and developed a ventilator that is specific to patients who have contracted COVID-19. Now, Dyson is currently developing 15,000 ventilators to distribute worldwide. So many lives will be saved because of this large corporation and its generosity and passion for helping others.
Most COVID-19 drive-thru testing centers are getting results back somewhere between 3 to 5 days. This lag in test results creates a gap in the number of cases that are being reported versus how many cases are currently active. For example, if a state reports that 3000 residents have tested positive for COVID-19, there are probably actually many more than that because the state’s data is technically 3-5 days behind. This causes an underrepresentation of cases, and can lead people to believe “it’s not really that severe or serious.” However, Abbott just recently received approval from the FDA to go through with its new COVID-19 molecular point-of-care test kit. This test kit can show positive results in just 5 minutes, and can, therefore, produce an accurate and current representation of cases worldwide.
At Integracon, we love all things tech. We love to see how technology can play such a powerful role in helping people during this COVID-19 whirlwind. If you are a small business owner who needs assistance with IT management during this time, please contact us for a consultation. We look forward to helping your business grow!